Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 6

So, as you've probably noticed, the day number in the title of my post is a day behind what day number it currently is. That's because I usually post in the morning, so I post a day behind. If that makes any sense. I hope it does. ANYWAY... I've been starting to notice changes. Really. It started last night. I started remembering things. Unimportant things, but things nonetheless. Like, I remembered all of my vocab from the 10th grade English unit on Beowulf. I remembered what I learned about the consitution in middle school when I had my constitution test in Gov yesterday. It's like all these things are coming back to me. As Nicholas Carr says, they're "going from your dormant, long-term memory into your working memory." The switch between working and long-term is a difficult one. I guess that means that I'm now able to bring things out that I didn't know I'd stored. That's pretty sweet. Maybe the memories will get to be more relevant. That'd be nice. I guess that's really been my only breakthrough. Other than that, I'm still reading and excercising my brain. Apparently running is really good for your brain. I guess it's good that I run every day. That's one thing I won't have to start doing. I guess that's really all I have for you today.

See you tomorrow.